I just realized that I never talked about the photography event I went to in August. I signed up for what was the first "Worldwide Photo Walk". 50 people in cities across the world (over 7500 participants) got together on August 23rd to take pictures as a group. I started getting a little concerned as other photographers started signing up for it in the city because, well, they're much better than me at this whole photography thing. I got to the meet-up and was immediately surrounded by people who had much more expensive cameras than me and though I was a little intimidated at first I got over it pretty quickly and took a few okay pictures. We did our walk in the distillery district which I found to be a little boring for this type of thing. Here are a few of my favourites from the 2 hours we had to take our pictures:
I'm not sure why I liked this one... I wish she had her eyes open, but what can you do.
I caught a street festival a couple of weekends ago and got some okay pictures there:
I guess that pretty much sums things up... Seems like most of what I've been doing is either focusing on work, photography or learning Japanese. I guess it could be worse.
I've had a few pictures posted on various websites. I'm trying to keep track of all of them (my pictures have been posted 4 times recently I believe. It's hard to know for sure...) Maybe I'll post the links here? Ryan says I should be saving the links somewhere for future reference (I have a feeling he sees me having a future in this or something?)
I also just noticed that everything I just posted is in black & white (or completely unsaturated in the case of the first one). Strange. I usually enjoy my pictures in colour (this is what draws me to photography - colour and light) but all of my street festival ones were post-processed in black and white. I feel like I should balance it out... so here are a couple of pictures I took on an evening out with my co-workers at the CNE (Ex):
I haven't said much of anything here. I don't have much news. I may post something a little more interesting (and that doesn't consist of pictures) later in the week. Stay tuned.