Sunday, December 21, 2008



So I just realized that the D40 has two places where you can set the "Auto-ISO". I had only seen the one. And so as I struggled to take some HDR photos today (I had tried doing this a while ago but gave up because it wasn't working) I realized that my problem was that my ISO was changing with every shot (increasing noise in some of the pictures!)

I figured out how to turn the second auto-ISO setting off... and now I'm kind of annoyed because my lack of attention means that my pictures for the last year have in a lot of cases been auto-ISOed. *sigh*

This really explains a LOT... I'm glad I figured this out.

Here we go:

HDR shot of the Massey Harris building
Massey Harris HDR
I don't know... I'm really not convinced. I should try this again earlier in the evening before the street lights turn on and when less light is coming into my room (there are some reflections of the glass in the picture - not exactly ideal...)

The city has been blanketed in a thick layer of snow (it just seems to keep snowing!) No it is not a disaster, we don't need the army, we're doing okay here. People seem to be quite sensible about it and roads have been pretty deserted. I went out on Friday night with a few friends and everything was ridiculously quiet. I think this was probably for the best - it forced me to come home shortly after last call. I've developed a bad cough lately and staying out late and drinking alcohol do not seem to help at all.

Anyway, my Weezer album is done, I've got nothing interesting to say or to post here, it's getting late and I want to go read a bit before falling asleep. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Not Jeremy said...

I like it. I usually don't like HDR because everything looks so fake, but this is actually quite subtle and pretty tasteful. Definitely try it at a different time of day and post the results.