Tuesday, February 24, 2009

excited and nervous

My (big) flights are booked!
And now I just have to wait 26 days... I can do this... I can do this...

I've got so much researching to do. Or do I? I don't know... I think I'd rather just go with the flow while I'm in Paris rather than have an itinerary planned. There are a few things I want to do for sure and timing them will be key but aside from that I don't really care what I see or do - just being there will be amazing in itself.

Berlin is worrying me a little bit - I have to definitely find a place to stay and figure out what I'm going to do and see there. I've never been so I don't know what to expect nor what to visit or where to even start. I'll have to read up a bit on it before leaving. Also, I feel rusty on the whole traveling alone thing. It's easy to get comfortable relying on someone else to help you get through those "I don't know what to do" or "i don't understand what's going on" moments. Add to this that my German is non-existent and I'm a little nervous. (I figure it's the good kind of nervous though.)

So much to do in the next 4 weeks! I have to finish my Japanese course (write up a presentation, present said presentation), I have to make sure that two releases go through at work (one of which will be launching while I'm away.) I still have to figure out where I'm going to stay and how I'm going to get from Paris to Berlin (I'm thinking flying might be the best option: it is definitely more economical and quick than the train).

Also, the last couple of days I've really been wondering whether or not a 50mm lens would be too narrow for me on the street. My plan was to possibly buy a new lens before my trip but now I'm thinking that it's getting a little too close and that I wouldn't have any meaningful time to learn how to use the new lens properly. I know, it should be straight forward but I also need to know that come my trip I'm not struggling to take an okay picture! During Sunday's photo-taking session I found myself really struggling to be far enough to get the shots I wanted. So maybe a 50mm isn't what I'm looking for? and if I'm still undecided at this point maybe I shouldn't be buying a new lens...

Taken last Sunday (quite uninspired):
ice queen

light snow

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