Sunday, February 22, 2009

on Mamiya, Paris and other lameness

I guess I could've predicted that I would come home from Chicago feeling bored.

I've been plagued by boredom all week. I could feel it coming on when I woke up in my hotel on Monday morning - knowing that I was going to have to go home. I just feel overwhelmed by lameness.

Anyway, I've packed my weekend full of activities to keep my mind busy. Today I'm spending the afternoon at the library with a friend studying. And hopefully I'll be able to get the camera out for a few shots too - we've been getting late day snowfalls and the light has been pretty cool so I'm thinking my 50mm + 5pm-6pm street shooting near the library might work nicely.

I've been looking at pictures all morning... My curiosity for medium format film photography continues to grow. My current obsession seems to be Mamiya cameras - wow, some of the shots I've been looking at this morning are pretty amazing [there are tons of groups on flickr for Mamiyas - like super 23.] If only I could convince myself that it wouldn't be gathering dust on my desk... Also, maybe i should try to master what I have as opposed to just adding more gear to the pile? Moving to film seems so expensive when I compare it to digital - I'd have to buy film regularly and either pay to get it developed at a decent lab or buy the gear to develop it myself. [I'm not totally crossing this possibility off just yet...]

And my heart still yearns for a 50mm prime 1.4 auto-focus lens... I'm seriously considering staying at my friend's tiny apartment in Paris next month in order to be able to justify buying a new lens. And... I still haven't bought my flight to Paris & Berlin... I'm nervous and I feel guilty for going without Ryan... and it's really shitty that I feel this way because I've been planning this for months now. I think I just need to close my eyes and book the flight and have it be over and done with. [worst of all... as I find myself looking at flights I keep finding crazy cheap flights to Seoul or Tokyo... so very tempting...]

Alright, I should probably go make some coffee and have some breakfast.

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