I've been trying to ask myself what it is that I would hope to gain from taking photography courses... aside from the obvious (becoming a better photographer...) I keep asking myself this question and getting nothing in response.
I think I could learn a lot from taking courses... I could also learn a lot from reading. And I hate the thought that taking photography courses could potentially interfere with my studying Japanese (yes, I'm still studying... I don't give up that easily!)
decisions decisions...
As I was out walking tonight, listening to music, camera hanging off my hand I realized that maybe I like photography because it allows me to see things clearer. This all sounds very philosophical - it isn't. I should probably wear my glasses more often because I've gotten used to everything having somewhat fuzzy edges.
From last night's late night sleeplessness:
i finally found her...
I wonder what year? 1985? I should really find out. I'm sure I'd stumbled on this page before when I was trying to figure out exactly what this lens was.
for future reference: Nikon Lens Serial Nos - if ever you wanted to know how many of that lens you have are out there and when they were manufactured (and where...)
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