Sunday, February 08, 2009

my headache finally broke

After having a headache since Wednesday it appears that my headache may have finally broken this morning. I went to the doctor on Friday and she thought that the headache could be caused by another infection. She also suggested that I try Tylenol to try breaking the headache cycle. I'm not sure which worked first, the Tylenol or the antibiotics for the infection. Doesn't matter to me really, all I know is that my eyes aren't killing me anymore.

It looks warm and sunny outside today. The weather has been mild for the last day. I'm thinking it would be a perfect day for running around getting stuff ready for my trip to Chicago. I want to find myself an inexpensive, travel-appropriate tripod. I have a couple of tripods already - both inherited from my father. One is a massive one that I think was designed for video cameras. It's very stable but heavy and big... not exactly ideal for traveling. The other one is perfect for traveling but essentially useless - it's a table pod. Unless I bring a table with me I'm not sure how I would use it (maybe lying on the ground?) I think I've only ever used that with my point and shoot and really don't know that it could balance my camera very well (I guess it would depend on which lens is on it.) I really want to bring a tripod with me to Paris too and I've found myself wanting to bring one around when I go for my late night walks here so I figure it would be a good investment.

I've been checking the weather report for Chicago pretty religiously for the last few days trying to figure out whether or not it'll be insanely cold or not. It's very mild there right now - I just hope it can stay that way for another week. I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'm not absolutely sure where we're going to go, what we're going to see... I don't really care... well I do. I want to go up the John Hancock building and have a drink at the bar. I want to go to the Museum of Contemporary Photography (I think that might be a solo activity) - I'm a little concerned because they've been closed for installation for a while and are only reopening this Thursday. And of course there's visiting the various neighbourhoods...

Oh, last night I was out at a local bar, sipping my juice watching my friends drink probably a little too much when I saw this business card for a photographer whose pictures were posted on the wall... when I saw the card, my heart sank. I could hardly make it out but it looked like my 601 picture (i've posted that picture here too many times... I'm just going to link to it for those who don't know what I'm talking about.) I wasn't wearing my glasses and it was pretty dark... I couldn't quite make it out but for a split second I thought someone had stolen my picture! (I know, that's borderline arrogant.) So I started looking at some of the pictures on the wall and I found the one: it was a black and white picture of some parked subway cars. Blah. It wasn't all that special. Actually, only one of the pictures had me interested (out of maybe 18) - mainly because I couldn't figure out where it was taken.

Ryan saw me looking at them and commented that he thought I could do better... Maybe? I don't know...
I'm horrible at taking compliments. I never know if people are saying things just to make me feel better, to give me some sort of encouragement to continue eventhough I am terrible at it... or if they actually mean it. I don't know how to react... whether to take it seriously or file it away as useless information... and so I usually just try to change the subject or start with the self-deprecation.
I don't think I'd want to post my pictures in that bar though... or maybe I would... who knows... I've never really thought about doing that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm your eyes were hurting? Maybe you don't blink enough. Seriously. Last winter from mid January to mid March my eyes hurt. A lot. Very sensitive to light, and painful. I had trouble adjusting focus, reading small print, etc...
I finally got the eye doctor (of course the symptoms went away between booking the appointment and actually going to it), and she said my eyes haven't changed at all, I just don't blink enough. Gave me some eye drops to use when it gets bad again. I also think the air was much drier last winter, which contributed to the the problem.
So anyway, I try to conciously force myself to blink more at work and take breaks away from the screen every 10-20 minutes.