Monday, May 11, 2009

calibrated = pictures!

I think the computer's pretty close to being calibrated now, still a little over-saturated but not half as bad as it was before. And I didn't have to drop any money to get it set up [just a little time and patience...]

I really like these two candid portraits...

I have to say this weekend I took my time, I only took a few shots and surprisingly they worked really well. I think about 1 in 3 pictures actually turned out okay. I think that's pretty good.

And I just found out that it's photography month on TVO! [Oh TVO, how I love thee!] I'm a little disappointed that I missed last week's shows but now I have a full 3 weeks of TVO to look forward to. [I'm not a huge tv person... but I think this will be good.] They're mostly documentaries I've already seen but it's been about a year since I last saw them so I think it would be really interesting to watch them again. I'll try to hook up my computer to record a few docs... hopefully I can get it set up in time for tonight's show.

1 comment:

Not Jeremy said...

I like these shots, the second one in particular!