Thursday, April 10, 2008


So my internet sucks right now. And I'm trying to not let it annoy me too much but this is pretty ridiculous. It just took me 20 minutes to log into my blogger account! (oh, life is so difficult)

So here we are in Cambodia. The last two days have been a mix of interesting, bizarre and amazing. Ryan arrived two night ago and we went out for drinks with one of the friends I made while on my Intrepid tour. We went to patpong and 'enjoyed the sights' as much as one can enjoy what happens down there. In fact I left feeling angry, depressed and sickened by what I saw... This was taken care of by buckets of 'whiskey' (rum) on Khao San road - good old Khao San road... It was a breath of fresh air compared to the zoo that was Patpong. I feel bad that that was one of Ryan's first experiences in Thailand.

We're now in Cambodia. It's amazing here. Very expensive but amazing. We spent today going to the temples of Angkor - waking up at 4:45am to catch the sunrise and finishing up at sunset. It was really amazing and I can see how people would spend days here. We took a couple of breaks throughout the day (the beauty of having your own personal driwer (sorry the V letter is working intermittently here so I'm resorting to replacing it a w)). It was pretty awesome. Tonight we went out to some weird restaurant for dinner where they had some 'traditional' (i'm not 100% conwinced) dancing. The music was interesting though - it almost sounded like a mix of gamelan with some middle-eastern type reeds mixed with some indian scales. I was definitely intrigued.

Giwen that this internet cafe isn't wery good, I'm giwing up early... I hawe so much more to write but this is just ridiculous... haha... so much for those good old reliable Bangkok Khao San Road internet cafes!

1 comment:

mikeh said...

I think you really can't spell. :D