Tuesday, April 01, 2008


The last 24 hours have been pretty intense.

I flew to Phuket yesterday and found myself in the roughest shape yet. I kept denying how sick I was... who was I kidding? I was sick! It didn't occur to me until some point when I was walking through Phuket town (it was at the peak of the heat - about 2pm). I felt faint, I thought it was just the heat... I drank a Sprite (just in case my sugar was low or something?) then a full bottle of water... It didn't help at all. I got back to the hotel, laid down and woke up and it was 6pm.

By then all the tourist offices were closed so I wasn't quite sure I'd be able to make it to Railay today or not... I felt pretty crappy when I woke up too. I didn't like Phuket town at all. I don't know why... maybe it was just that I was sick... Or maybe it was that I was all by myself in a town that wasn't really a tourist town... I actually got shewed away from a place yesterday when I was about to walk in (kind of like "you're not welcome here") I think I was very far off the beaten track when this happened (everyone kept looking at me kind of like I'd taken a wrong turn somewhere but I hadn't... I knew where I was going...) Anyway... Phuket town was kind of interesting in terms of architecture... a lot of very colonial looking buildings which was confusing - it reminded me of some Mexican towns (kind of like Valladolid) but full of Thai people of course.

I ended up calling it an early night - I ate, read and watched a little tv and then fell asleep. I had to wake up really early in order to figure out how to get out of Phuket town first thing in the morning. I woke up... I felt horrible... and then realized it was only midnight... Next thing I knew I woke up again and it was 6:30 and I felt fine. So I guess the sleeping / taking it easy may have helped? I had to make the first ferry out if I wanted to make it to Railay so I needed to be on top of things...

Anyway... with all my bags (my big backpack, my small backpack and my purse... all bursting!) I got on a motorcycle cab (awesome! haha... I'm surprised I didn't lose a bag!) and went to the ferries... the next 8 hours were just painful... ferries... waiting for ferries in Ko Phi Phi (it's nice there but just tourists... blah)... And then finally to Krabi. Krabi was hilarious... I was sent on a wildgoose chase to get to Railay... RIDICULOUS. At one point I had to stop myself from laughing... as I was surrounded (in a saengthaw or however it's spelled) by 10 locals... 3 of which were school girls, 4 of which were ladyboys, 1 woman and 2 old men. One of the ladyboys ended up talking to me and was really nice. I then had to jump onto a longboat for the final 15 minutes of my journey.

I FINALLY MADE IT TO RAILAY!!! And caught the magnificent sunset. It almost made today's 8+ hour journey worthwhile... almost... the clouds rolled in just as the sun was almost set so it didn't quite have the full effect... but it was pretty close.

I just had dinner. It was really good... and by really good I mean I told the waiter it was the best soup I've ever had (it was actually really good) - maybe I'm just starved for someone to talk to? He probably didn't even understand what I told him...

I think I'll be staying here at least one other night... I don't know what I'll do tomorrow... maybe I'll go find some people climbing to take pictures of... or go swimming in the sea... or just enjoy it here...

All day today I was feeling really homesick... I feel like I shouldn't be in this place alone... It's too beautiful to enjoy by myself. It's really quite breathtaking...

Railay west

burnt from all the boats today...

These pictures really don't do it justice

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