Monday, January 05, 2009

ungh... no sleep... so sick....

I went to the art gallery of Ontario yesterday. It was amazing - I could've probably spent another 3+ hours in there. Their photography collection is a little thin but they did have some pretty amazing street stuff (including some Henri Cartier-Bresson). The gallery itself looks amazing - tons of natural light on the upper floors, endless rooms covered in art, and natural wood everywhere...

Prior to this I went to what used to be my favourite dumpling house. *sigh* It is definitely no longer my favourite. As I left the art gallery I could feel that something was off - like my food wasn't digesting... And the feeling just kept getting worse. I came home, took a nap and that didn't help at all... Finally around 9pm I decided enough was enough, there was something wrong - I'm not sure what came next - I think it was half me forcing it and half my body rejecting the food but it wasn't pretty. I spent most of last night trying to keep fluids in my stomach so that each time I'd wake up and had to vomit there was something coming out.

Finally by about 5:30am it stopped (I think I fell asleep in the bathroom at some point too.) Lovely. Absolutely lovely. And no matter how much I tried to keep myself awake I would just quickly pass out after being sick and then would wake up having to be sick yet again.

I'm staying home today. Blech. I feel like a train wreck.

I don't get how my stomach couldn't take whatever it was that I ate. I've eaten some pretty questionable foods (more than these dumplings) in some very questionable places (street food in Thailand??) and have only ever gotten sick like this once (in Mexico... that one was definitely worse.)

Ok... I'm crawling back under some blankets and hoping that whatever that was doesn't come back. :(

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