Thursday, January 08, 2009


I just got the most amazing news.

I thought that our floor hockey team had fallen apart this year. Last year there were a few rough games where we didn't have enough people and had to ask people to play with us from other teams. So I really didn't know if it would come together...

And then today the e-mail came that my first game is tomorrow night! Yes! I was totally excited when there was talk of the team playing again a few months ago. I started running again in November in anticipation for this but then when I didn't hear back from my captain I thought that maybe there wasn't going to be a team. I was actually thinking of sending out a message to all the floor hockey teams offering myself as a floating player - that's how bad I wanted to play! (and luckily because I'm female that would've probably worked - our league has a rule that there must be at least 2 female players on the floor from each team at all times and for some reason it seems like teams are always short women - I'm not sure why?)

Anyway... I really like floor hockey. I don't think I would've ever seen myself liking it and I admit I was definitely hesitant the first year we did this. It's actually tons of fun. The girls usually try to play 2 minutes on, 4 minutes off but it's hard if there are only 3 girls that show up. I've had to play entire games on the floor because there are only 2 girls - including myself - that show! When you're on it's totally intense (I should really be doing running intervals!) And the best part is that because I sucked so bad when I first started I can actually see improvements from game to game. I think I've actually come quite a long way since I first started and was doing pretty awesomely come the end of last season if I may say so.

Now I just need to somehow find the energy to make tomorrow happen. Today I finally went to the doctor (I really thought I was better until last night when it started all over again, ungh...) He said that he wasn't sure what was going on and that I should stay on a liquid diet for a few days and hope that it's just an infection and it'll take care of itself. If that doesn't help by next week I should go back and they'll give me some lovely chalk drink and then x-rays. Fun. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

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