It's fantastic. Actually, I don't mind. The air is somewhat fresh (as fresh as Toronto air gets I suppose) and still has enough bite that I come home with rosy cheeks. I could go for that nice spring mud smell but I'll settle for just having a cloudless warm-ish day.
I'm avoiding doing my Japanese homework. I just realized that the prof assigned us quite a bit of work for the last class (in addition to our presentation.) I'll get it done... eventually.
And so here are some pictures taken in the last 7 days:
Last weekend's endless rain
Today's walk
[in colour perhaps?]
as usual, I've posted more pictures on flickr if you are interested.
I started trying to push myself to get in closer today... and of course I found it really hard. I tried channeling my inner foreigner [I mean, trying to act like I did when I was traveling] but it wasn't really working. I'm always afraid someone's going to yell at me or chase me down to try to break my camera (I'm not sure where I get these crazy ideas from?) How is it that I felt fine with taking super-close-up pictures of people when I was traveling?! I don't know, it just doesn't sit right when I try to do it here.
I know I keep saying this but I really love this new lens - haven't taken it off the camera yet and haven't really felt limited by it either. I guess I've been trying pretty specific things lately though. I haven't had any issues with it and it has been consistently giving me good results - I can only blame myself for my crappy pictures!
I woke up this morning thinking about how a year ago today I left my old job. It feels so far away... and I have to say I could never imagine myself going back there. I now realize how miserable working there was making me. My current job is insanely better than my old one. It's annoying to think that I allowed myself to get stuck there for so long... but at least I'm out now. Best decision I have ever made. [really!]
I leave for Paris in 5 days... I wonder if my camera-shyness will apply in Europe or not? My guess is that it probably will but we'll have to wait and see... I'll try my hardest... REALLY.
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