With all that buzzing around my head I still headed out. It took me about 45 minutes before I took my first picture. I just wasn't feeling it.
Here are a few of tonight's shots.
Bokeh & DOF - shot at 1.4
This was really hard to get to focus. Auto-focusing on something dark when there isn't much light is difficult (and it was quite dark out though this picture may suggest otherwise). I tried doing it manually using the focus confirmation (I love how this lens has a manual over-ride for tweaking the focus.) I find the bokeh balls are distracting but otherwise I like the soft feel.
I wanted to take people shots but was feeling a little shy / exposed... so I went for the next best thing:
An okay picture of the crystal (I've been trying for a while with my other 50mm to get this shot.) I think I may have cut off the top which essentially makes this photo garbage in my books (how did I not catch that when I took it?!) I really like the light in this shot though...
Such a bright lens. The picture below was taken in an alley (ummm yeah, I'm still walking through alleys.) There wasn't much light there... If only it was wider - I was pretty far back when I took this picture (I couldn't get much further back without changing my angle.) This is probably my favourite shot of the night.
I'm happy with the lens so far. I'll stop giving a play-by-play of my shots (eventually). I think this lens has just made taking pictures much easier - now I just need to find something interesting to shoot. I want to try taking pictures at different apertures but 1.4 is just... amazing to me. Haha... And this morning's buyer's remorse has definitely passed.
I'm tired, I walked quite a ways tonight. More pictures on flickr.
Seriously, what's wrong with the picture of the Crystal?
The composition was poor. I cut off the top of the crystal (look at the upper right hand of the picture) in order to make the cars fit into the frame.
I should've just stepped back a couple of steps or rotated the camera to take it vertically.
Poor execution. I'll have to try yet again.
I really don't think it's that bad. I guess I would have to have been standing on the same street corner to see what was missed.
I find that my attention is drawn to that illuminated spot on the wall of the crystal near the centre of the image. I didn't notice the tiny missing corner at the top until you mentioned it.
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