Saturday, March 22, 2008

an amazing day

Wow. I've had an amazing morning / early afternoon.

I'm not sure what made it so amazing but it was amazing.

Walked over to Central then decided to take the Star Ferry across to Kowloon (it's cheap and my 3-day MTR pass has run out. I put on some Monolake (ironically - maybe not ironic, more cheesy - i put on the Hong Kong EP (Index is amazing!)) and listened to it as I crosses across...

This was followed by random walking near Nathan Road (but not on Nathan Road) and stumbling on small street markets everywhere with tons of people doing their shopping. Amazing. I saw some crazy stuff today. I tried to take pictures (I'm slowly getting a little more daring with the camera but I'm still pretty shy with it). I stumbled upong the Jade market (I had very little interest in going to it but it was kind of starting to rain so I walked around in it a bit...)

At this point I was listening to James Holden's At the Controls which I find is really growing on me - I wasn't sure about this CD until I started listening to it again recently and it seems to make so much more sense to me now than ever. I'm kind of strange with music I guess - a good song at the perfect moment can make my day. Today was all about good songs for me I guess. And I really found that it helped me take in the city a little more without getting distracted by the endless people trying to sell me things.

I ended up finding what i'm going to call the 'perfect' pair of shoes. THEY BETTER BE PERFECT! They're Merrells (surprise surprise! I can almost hear both Ryans sighing...) They were reasonably priced, very light and airy and should be perfect for the heat in Thailand and what seems to be my love for walking. This was followed by me buying an 8GB SD card for my camera (yay for cheap memory!) All the while Do Make Say Think was playing in my ears.

I'm so happy right now. I wish I could post pictures. :( i have so many right now... I want to share them... but there's no way for me to do it from here...

It's pouring outside... there are no internet cafes anywhere nearby... what's a girl to do? maybe go shopping some more?

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