Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The longest week

It just doesn't seem to want to end. I thought that given the amount of work I have to do this week that it would fly by but it just seems to keep on dragging. I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday. From there, it just seemed like the day got worse. Finally, four o'clock rolled around, my head was pounding and no matter how much I tried to coax things into working the way they should, nothing seemed to be working. It's possibly because I'm starting to panic a little. So much to cover, so little time...

I still haven't booked a place to stay in Hong Kong. I will do that tonight. I need to know that I have somewhere (safe) to go to when I get to Hong Kong after my 20 hour flight. I've pretty much decided the things I want to see and do when I'm there so I'm feeling good about that. I just need to know that I have a place to sleep and leave my pack!

I'm hoping that come Friday afternoon, things will hopefully start making more sense and I will finally be able to start thinking a little more clearly again.

I need to go work off some of today's frustration... I'm tired and don't feel like going to the gym but I'm still going to force myself to go bouldering tonight... hopefully that'll help ground me again.

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