Sunday, March 09, 2008

Less than 10 days!

There are less than 10 days left before I leave.

I have a list of things I need to get together and do before I leave... Unfortunately I've been putting off doing anything on the list so now I'm starting to feel a little rushed and I'm afraid I'm not going to get to them all. I've decided to buy very little before leaving - I figure I can probably find whatever I need out there and if not, chances are I don't need it (or I can ask Ryan to bring it when he comes to meet me). That being said, I still need some basic things - mosquito repellent, a lock for my backpack (I forgot to pick one up while I was at MEC yesterday) and supplies for my first aid kit. I have to get my work RRSPs and pension sorted out before I leave and finish doing my taxes.

I'm on the fence as to the hostel situation in Hong Kong... Do I book a shared room? Or do I just go for my own room? Both have their advantages. I think a shared room may be the way to go so that I am forced to meet some other people. At the same time though I wouldn't mind having my own space when I first arrive. The difference in price between the two types of rooms is negligible (maybe $5-10 a night). Decisions, decisions.

Yesterday I started booking short flights from Bangkok to Siem Reap and Chiang Mai. I still have a few more flights to book today and then I can start booking more hotels or hostels. I still have about 9 days that haven't been planned out while I'm alone in Thailand. I've been reading my travel guides and there are quite a few things that sound interesting - I'm having problems picking exactly what I want to do! I've also been looking at some random 'courses' I could take while I'm there. We'll see. I seriously need to start making some decision this week!

And finally... For the first time in a very long time I woke up this morning without having that sinking feeling that the weekend was almost over and that tomorrow's Monday. Five more work days left. I have a feeling this week will fly by but won't be without headaches. It'll be strange to be without a job come Friday.

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