Thursday, March 20, 2008

i'm up!

I woke up this morning, my feet were still throbbing and now the blisters are visible. Either I'm not wearing the right shoes or I'm walking too much. Regardless my feet are hating me right now. My calves are sore from the up and down of walking down the hill / mountain yesterday and the endless flights of stairs in the MTR stations and it seems like everywhere else - it seems like there are stairs or escalators everywhere in this city!

I'm not sure what to do with my day today. I meet up with a friend I went to High School with this evening and we're going out for dinner and drinks. I still have to pick out a place to eat... drinks are already figured out. I'm thinking maybe some proper dim sum would be good for tonight.

I was thinking of maybe going to an art gallery or something of the sort today but the details of what's happening at the contemporary art gallery are kind of confusing me. Also, the thought of standing up on my feet is tiring me out already. Maybe they have wheelchairs I could just wheel myself around in?

Or I could finish up doing my shopping thing - I don't remember whether or not I posted anything about this yesterday but I'd been looking at very cheap laptops and then started looking at camera lenses. Things seem cheap at first glance but then when thought things through, I'd be better off just buying the stuff when I get home. Memory is cheap here though so I may grab a memory card or two for my camera. Also, maybe i should buy some decent running shoes - maybe that'll help ease the pain in my feet? or maybe i shouldn't be buying anything because I really don't need any of it!

It looks like it's going to be yet another hazy day in Hong Kong. This doesn't bother me too much - in fact it's probably better off that way, I can walk around without worrying too much about the sun. Also, this makes wearing a jacket or sweater much more bearable. As long as it isn't raining this works for me!

Alright, enough stalling. Time to get on with my day. I promise myself not to run around like I did yesterday.

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