Friday, March 21, 2008

a day in the world of my feet

my poor poor feet.

Yesterday started out slow... my feet and legs were killing me so I decided to 'take it easy'. I walked up Graham Street (what can I say, I like that street!) and then found some breakfast somewhere (nothing memorable really). The streets were quiet... eerily so.

And then I clued into it being Easter! Goodness, I'm not up on my religious holidays apparently! Anyway, the streets were pretty quiet. I ended up walking around looking in small stores and doing some window shopping. My feet were so sore though... So I decided to look for shoes... and where else to look for shoes than near Mong Kok... so off I went. My search was pretty short lived (I walked around for about an hour at a snail's pace trying not to make the blisters on my feet any worse.) Most places were closed and it was very quiet. I then came back to Hong Kong Island finished up some shopping (got a new jacket, a shirt, a purse-type thing, and some gel to keep the hair somewhat under control - all for under $50).

At this point my feet were screaming and I had to stop because I was going out at night. So I went back to the hotel room and just laid down with my feet up for 3 hours, reading, sleeping and listening to some tunes. This really helped get my feet back into shape and I felt so much better after doing this - it was also kind of nice to just relax for a bit.

I met up with my friend who happened to be here on business. She is staying at one of the nicer hotels here - the Island Shangri-la. The hotel is amazing, she's on the 42nd floor and has jaw-dropping views of the city. And her room is bigger than a shoebox! In fact, I think my room could fit in her bathroom!

I brought her to a place that supposedly serves Dim Sum but we quickly found out that they only serve dim sum at lunch (BOOO HISSS!) We stayed and realized that the restaurant was quite good (very good actually!) and definitely worth staying for. We then went out to Yumla for some drinks. The music was pretty good (the DJ couldn't mix for the life of him though!) Kind of a mix of all kinds of stuff - hip hop, breaks, electro and some techno but it worked well. We stayed a little late and I missed the last train... luckily enough i'm about a 10 minute walk from Yumla so it was all good!

Today - not sure what's in the plans yet... I really should get some shoes before I do my 'hilltribe trek'. There is no way my feet are going to survive in these shitty shoes. Also... I want some memory for my camera. Other than that, I don't know... we'll see what the day has in store for me.

I really like hong kong. It's got this weird feel to it. In some ways it really reminds me of New York (I love new york!) - fast paced, busy yet organized, with many neighbourhoods to discover. At the same time though, there are little pockets of disorganized, dirty and more seedy stuff. It's really pretty cool. The best way I've been able to describe it is New York meets Chinatown which to me seems like an obvious description. I feel like I'm getting comfortable here - that I've seen most of the sights (not all - I'll do some more when Ryan is here - I really want to do Lantau island when we come back) - and that now I'm at a point where I feel comfortable enough that I'm not running around trying to see and do everything anymore. I could spend so much more time here just exploring little things... alas, I leave tomorrow for Bangkok (gulp!) and won't be back here for another two months.

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