Monday, January 19, 2009

it's the ipod generation

I'm avoiding studying. My class starts in about 40 minutes and here I am at my regular Starbucks surfing the internet, books tucked away in my bag, trying to not feel bad about not wanting to study. I spent most of Saturday studying - reviewing material I had covered last term in the hopes of maybe remembering everything I'd learnt. It was intense - I forced myself to write all my answers (on paper) in hiragana and very broken (almost non-existent) katakana where appropriate - I think I even threw in some random Kanjis. It took me way too long to do this - I think it would definitely be easier if I had the kana version of the book in front of me when I do this than my silly romaji one. Answers that should've taken me no time at all were taking me a good 10 minutes to write out as I struggled to figure out the katakana (and get the stroke orders right)... I figure this is the only way I'll get fast at reading and writing. I think I was making progress... but who knows... we'll see how I feel after class is done tonight.

So now, instead of studying I will tell you about a habit I've recently developed. It's called "singing with the ipod on". This would usually not be a problem... if I were at home... or even just walking down the street... but I find myself struggling to contain myself while I'm at work. The man who sits next to me has an equally interesting habit - he swears non-stop under his breath. I think my singing is on par with this if not slightly more annoying.

Ryan says it's the "ipod generation"... this is what we do... we break into song and / or dance when we think no one's watching or listening... or is that just me? I always worry that my building will install a hidden video camera in the elevator and catch me in the act of busting a move (or at least trying to) while on my way home.


Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you, but it's nothing new. My MOM does that (breaks out in song/humming randomly) - and has been for years, and she doesn't even HAVE an iPod! :P
And she seems to do it more as she gets older. Maybe it's just a symptom of aging!

...and what's wrong with constantly swearing under one's breath at work, hmmmmmmm? :)

monique said...

haha - does she start dancing randomly too? Wait... are you calling me old?!?

i think you and my co-worker would get along great.