Tuesday, January 06, 2009

interesting gender gap report

Now that the stomach drama seems to have subsided back to my regular business...

Discovered this a week ago. For some strange reason I think there's something really interesting to be found in this: The 2008 Global Gender Gap Report.

I haven't had much time to read through it just yet - just quickly skimmed parts of it. I'll have to revisit it when I've had a decent meal and a few hours to ponder the meaning of all these numbers...

In other very much unrelated news I'm currently toying with the idea of going to Berlin while I am in Europe in March. I know this sounds somewhat ridiculous given that I was only planning on being in France for at most 10 days. To be honest - I'm really not a huge fan of Paris and I would love to go and hear some proper German techno. I have been to a few places in Germany (mainly small towns) but never to Berlin. I think it could be fun.

I started doing some pretty basic research and I think it would be feasible... just a matter of figuring out how to get there, where to stay, where the good music is and of course what else there is to see in Berlin.

Maybe I'm already trying to fit too much into this tiny little trip?

I don't know - I'll probably end up staying in Paris. That would probably be the best idea. (I haven't mentioned the fact that I was also looking at a side-trip up to London either...) Seriously - I need to stay focused!

I think about this stuff way too much. I wake up in the morning wondering "where am I?" and am disappointed when I open my eyes to find that I am at home, in my bed, with a cat waiting to lick my face and that I have to get up to go to work.

I watched Up the Yangtze last week and it had me wanting to go to China (what an amazing film!) Yesterday I watched the Long Way Down and I really wanted to go to Africa! Ahhh, if I could only feel the same way about Paris...


Anonymous said...

You could also go to Dortmund for music. I think my mother has a cousin who's an opera singer there (or something sort of like that). Ok, it's probably not the same as techno in Berlin, but it's a lot closer to Paris. ;)

Or you could just watch different movies, like "An American Werewolf in Paris", "Hunchback of Notre Dame", umm... "One night in Paris"... :P
Those are all the Paris movies I can recall right now, but I'm sure there's others set there. I think one of the Blade movies has a Paris scene, maybe?

monique said...

You forgot to mention Paris Je T'aime!

Fabourg Saint-Denis - I can't find it with english subs and good sound... so i went with good sound.

"De temps à autre tu criais, sans aucune raison ou avec raison parfois, oui avec raison parfois."