Friday, March 27, 2009

Annie Leibovitz

I woke up today not really wanting to go to another museum or do more sight-seeing. I hadn't scoped anything particular out for the day, hoping that I could walk around in an area I hadn't yet explored in the hopes of finding something interesting.

And I did. Another gallery! [Surprise Surprise!]
With an exhibit by Annie Leibovitz no less! I had seen posters for this exhibit and was mildly intrigued but didn't know where it was. I actually stumbled on it by accident today.

So... for those who may not know Leibovitz she is probably one of the most well known portrait photographers currently alive. She was a staff photographer at Rolling Stone for over 10 years, working along side Hunter S. Thompson and then worked at Vanity Fair. She took the controversial picture of Demi Moore naked and pregnant that graced the cover of Vanity Fair back in the 90s... she photographed Lennon with Ono 5 hours before he was killed - an amazing picture worth trying to find if you can...

Anyway, I went in not knowing what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. I had seen some of her work previously and wasn't really interested - what I had seen was mainly staged portraiture (in studio and out) type stuff - not really my thing. Anyway, the exhibit mixed a bit of her magazine photography with some of her private photography. It was actually really interesting and a nice change from the type of photography I find myself gravitating towards.

The gallery hosting the exhibit was strange. There was a gymnasium [with a basketball court] on the second floor in which they were showing some of her large format prints. I think it used to be the old post office - this doesn't explain why it would have a basketball court though. This space was the opposite of yesterday's - it almost felt as if the building was falling apart around the art.


solomon said...

Wow! Sounds like it was a great trip! :)

It does sound like the ticket lady in Paris was a bit rude, but I'm sure we've all seen far worse by the TTC. Still, that sort of thing always seems to suck more on vacation.

Also, it looks like you ran into a number of parades or something (kids dressed as Indians, bunny-eared girls, etc...) do you know what any of it was all about? It look like it was fun!

Lots of good pics, btw. I think my fav is the Eiffel tower with that glowing thing on top of it (whatever it is!)...
Also, the pictures of the deserted but overly-lit night streets are kinda cool. They seem very calm. Maybe a little TOO calm... mwahahaha!
And the people on the bus (Blurry Girl and Anguished Guy)... I like it, but WTF? A really funny picture but ya gotta wonder what was happening there!

monique said...

Parades - yes, there were a few. I don't know what was going on with the bunny-eared girls - possibly some sort of bachelorette party? The kids dressed up - I overheard someone say that it was "la parade d'enfants" but I don't think it was very widespread as there were maybe 30 people in the parade. As for the demonstration well, it seems like this is a daily occurrence in Paris lately. I followed from a distance not wanting to clash with the rows upon rows of police with riot gear (yes, those were there - I have a picture of them but it's not very good.)
In all cases I just stumbled upon these while walking quite randomly down streets.

as for the pictures - thanks.
The Blurry Girl / Anguished Guy are my friends Aleks and Ryan. She is currently living and going to school in Paris and he was in town visiting while I was there. This probably explains why the picture is so candid and close-up - it's hard to get that kind of shot from strangers.

I haven't yet picked out my favourites - I'll do that once I'm done post-processing and post them on my blog. :)

SOL said...

Ah so you knew them! You could probably get similar photos from a distance with a good zoom lens, yeah? But then you wouldn't know what was going on... so what WAS happening in this picture? It kinda looks like she just hit him in the crotch or something, but it's hard to tell, the faces are very expressive but not very specific.

monique said...

I don't really remember. This is just normal behaviour for the two of them. I think she made some really funny joke about him and he was trying to act upset...