Tuesday, April 28, 2009

more on photography, books and flickr

I finally received my copy of The Mind's Eye (Henri Cartier-Bresson) in the mail today!

Exciting! I know! I very quickly - not wanting to cheat on my other books - looked through it just to see what kind of read it would be. It looks promising - very short and hopefully I will learn something from it. It looks like the meat of it will be in his essay "The Decisive Moment" (which is why I bought this book!)

Yes, I'm much too excited about this. This will definitely be my next read after I'm done my current book.

I realized tonight as I was trying to pick my favourite of my group's 5 pictures for the TPMG event that I've actually made a lot of progress since I first started with this camera. I feel like I know the camera fairly well now - I still have some stuff to learn but I definitely don't find myself struggling anymore. I still remember the night I got home with this camera and started trying to take pictures - I was horrified! I didn't remember it ever being that hard with my old SLR!

Anyway, it kind of made me happy to realize that I've in fact made some progress.

That being said I'm having serious second doubts about my post-processing lately and am in dire need of someone telling me frankly what they think of it. I think I'm going to post my 'best' picture from the TPMG event to their forum, ask for some feedback and hope that someone will be honest with me... I found myself looking at other people's pictures from the same event and trying to find what I didn't like about the pictures - too much post-processing here, not enough sharpening there, not enough post processing, etc, etc... and I think it would be really helpful if someone were to tell me this exact thing when it comes to my pictures.

Somewhat related to this - I recently stumbled upon yet another photographer on flickr that I really like: Alfie - I really like his non-studio stuff. I started looking through his stuff again tonight and it really made me want to go outside and start shooting... I have to say I really appreciate that someone else's pictures could make me feel inspired to go and try some stuff of my own. His pictures made me want to become a better photographer, made me want to set goals for my myself and my camera... [I felt the need to blog about this random stranger just to show my gratitude.]

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