Thursday, April 02, 2009

Berlin Pictures

I finally got around to looking at these.

They aren't great. They're seems to be a theme of grey going through them. I've omitted my people pictures as I'm not sure what to do with them just yet. I'm not impressed. I thought they looked better when I was first looking at them but now... I don't know.

Here are a few, more of the same can be found on my flickr site.



The holocaust memorial
Holocaust Memorial

This is not an uncommon sight - this is actually one of the main public transportation lines and one of the bigger stations...

Jüdisches Museum
Jüdisches Museum

Holocaust tower
searching for light

Shalechet (memory void) - Jüdisches Museum

Checkpoint Charlie - US Army Checkpoint
Checkpoint Charlie


I found a little alley that was covered in graffiti. There were stores if you followed the crazy stairs hidden behind unmarked doorways. I ventured into one of the buildings (and took a few pictures - none posted here...)


there was a courtyard if you walked far enough into the alley
the alley

On my last day after going to see Annie Leibovitz's exhibit I went to Fernsehturm (the TV tower - there's a picture of it on my flickr stream). Oddly enough I took this picture quite randomly. Later that night I went out with a bunch of other travelers (none of which were from my hostel!) and we went into a bar in the basement of the pink building in this picture.

And the infamous "apartment alley" that my hostel was located in (I can actually see the hostel in this picture!)
where my hostel was...

Now comes to post processing... there are a few pictures that I can't wait to work on.

I guess I've been pretty busy this week. I think most of the time has been spent trying to figure out how to keep up the little Japanese I have (I'm back to studying on a daily basis again) - e-mailing various schools trying to find out if they have something available at my level. I'm going to try to find a language exchange partner again too.

I'm also toying with the idea of possibly taking some photography courses. I'm not sure how serious I want to be about this - whether I should be looking at one-off courses or if I should look at courses that fall within an actual program... I feel like I'm kind of plateau-ing with the photography - I need some fresh ideas... I've ordered Cartier-Bresson's book of essays on photography (I can't wait to get it - why is it that good books are always out of stock!?) I'm not sure how much this is going to help me. I have no intention of ever getting into "art photography", nor do I want to do event photography (unless it's an event like november's Movember Gala) but I do want to get better. I need someone to criticize my pictures and tell me how to make them better... what to look for... what I'm doing wrong... what I'm doing well... I have to admit - a lot of the pictures I posted above are pretty uninteresting to me - this is also not the type of photography I want to be doing.

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