Tuesday, May 06, 2008

4 minutes past curfew

I am so happy to be inside the hostel right now.

Ryan and I just sprinted from the main train station in Osaka to our Hostel - probably about a 600 - 700 meter distance to ensure that we'd meet our 11pm curfew. We got to the train station at 11pm sharp and so it was purely up to our legs toget us here... This curfew is ridiculous! We're a good 45 minutes from downtown which means that if you're like us, enjoying a pint of Guinness (it was pretty pricy - probably the most expensive beer I've had in a long time) in an Irish pub (it was strange, I felt oddly at home there... and almost forgot I was in Japan until I stepped outside and heard someone speak Japanese) it would be easy to miss the curfew!

That was the most stupid thing we've done yet. We know the curfew is strict here (somehow, the office is still open and it's almost 11:30 - this makes me angry because I really sprinted... I was ahead of Ryan up until the last 100 meters!) We had about 55 minutes to get home from downtown but the trains were slow and though we made all connections as fast as we could the trains were waiting inside the stations for what seemed to be way too long.

*coughs up a lung*

Anyway. We spent the day in Kyoto today. It's a pretty nice city. I think we're going to go back there tomorrow. We definitely need out of this hostel given that we can't seem to get home by 11pm most nights. This place is ridiculously sterile - it's like a hospital.... not my thing. At all. Last night I stayed in the dorm room and got woken up at 6am by the 4 other girls in my room who were apparently leaving early. It wasn't exactly appreciated given quiet hours end at 7am. When I got to my room after using the internet last night - probably around 11 o'clock they were all gone to bed already and the lights were out. There is only one shower for all the girls in the dorms (which meant I had to wait in line last night because shower hours end at 8am and there was no way that was going to happen!) Anyway... the list goes on. I'm definitely not a fan of this place.

Tonight Ryan and I have a twin room which means I don't have to listen to some stranger breathing heavily again (this really didn't bother me - I was more annoyed at the 6am noise than the breathing - I had my earplugs ready.) We had to confirm that we were 'family' in order to get the twin room - can someone define this for me? what does that mean? apparently my saying we were married was enough but there really isn't any way for me to prove this given that I kept my last name and I don't have a card saying that we're married... (I've been going on and on about this one all day with Ryan - poor guy.) The room is nice tonight though - we have a pretty good view and a private bathroom... the room definitely has that 'business hotel' feel to it though.

I actually have a few things I want to write about but none of them are coming to mind right now... I keep remembering things when we're on the trains but forgetting them as soon as I sit in front of the computer.

I guess a couple things I've noticed are...
1) There are a lot of bakeries. French bakeries. And they're pretty good. I really like all the red bean pastries (I'm really going to have to get back to some sort of running / spinning thing when I get home to work off all the noodles and pastries!)... I've also seen quite a bit in French and some Italian (sometimes combinations of both - I'm not sure whether that's intentional or not.) I find this kind of odd.
2) The other thing I've noticed is that I've heard and seen quite a bit about Hawaii - advertisements, overheard people talking about it... Also odd... I actually saw a Hawaiian print shirt a day or so ago and thought of you Marc (if you're still out there) - it wasn't very nice though - nothing like the ones you wear.
3) I really don't get the smoking thing. For some reason it's okay to smoke in some restaurants but for some reason it's not okay to walk and smoke. I have yet to figure this one out.
4) I want a Japanese toilet seat. They're awesome. What more could you ask for?? I should be able to find one in Toronto right?
5) Oh yes! The pillows. I also want one of those - granted I think they may eventually make me sick (allergies) but... they're good too. And the hard mattresses (futon style) are great too...

I clearly don't have much to say right now.

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