Saturday, May 10, 2008


I ate something about 3 days ago that at the time tasted pretty good... but then after when I started thinking about it, the texture of it just threw me completely off... It wasn't that weird, it was like an egg thing with chicken and onion with some sort of sauce on top of rice. Anyway, for the last couple of days I just haven't been able to stomach much of anything... It's to the point where I've been afraid of eating anything remotely questionable - let alone eating the same thing again. This includes me not wanting to eat in places that might serve the dish in question (in fact, I can't even look at the picture of this thing without my stomach turning...)

Last night we found a place that served curry katsu chicken and at first that took a little while for me to actually swallow but then once I started eating it, it was okay. I'm hoping this will go away soon.

I'm looking forward to going home and having a regular meal that I've cooked for myself. It's been 8 weeks now that I haven't eaten anything remotely 'normal'.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon we went bouldering and it felt good to do something more like we'd do if we were at home. The gym we went to was tiny - think Rock Oasis' bouldering area and you've got this gym! It got pretty packed - I'm guessing the rain had something to do with it too. My hands are now peeling nicely and still a little red. I have no clue what kind of grading system they were using but it wasn't anything I'm used to.

And last night... well, that should be a whole post in itself but I don't think I have the time or energy to write about it. Womb was pretty good (actually, I really liked it). Only problem is that it was packed - too packed and that it got too loud (I put my earplugs in and my ears are still ringing a bit). Ritchie Hawtin was pretty good - I really liked him and had there been more room I would've tried dancing a little more (it was honestly so packed it was standing room only - no dancing). I'm not sure how much Ryan liked him - I think he prefered the DJ opening for him (was it AKR?)

That's it for now. We're off to the mountains for the next couple of days before we head back into Tokyo for the end of the week and the end of our stay in Japan.

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