Saturday, May 10, 2008

head bag??

so... we didn't make it to the fish market. Instead we just went to Ginza and I went shopping.

I bought a couple of shirts... in the process I got to try on clothes in a changeroom and I, for some reason, thought that this was blog worthy. Okay maybe it wasn't that fun or interesting but it was kind of strange. I actually think I've been to stored in New York where they do this too...

I got to the change room, clothes in hand, and waited until someone noticed me. I was escorted to what must've been the largest change room (am i really that big? there were other rooms available! she must've just picked it because it was right next to where she was folding clothes - that way she could keep her eye on me). Next she gave me the instructions: three items, shoes off and head bag. I kind of looked at her puzzled, gave her my extra items, took off my shoes and then repeated "head bag?" At this point I noticed she was holding this cloth-like bag and she repeated 'head bag'. I must've stared at her blankly for a good three seconds before realizing what the bag was for... RIGHT... MY HEAD. So I confirmed with her that I was supposed to put the bag on my head and she quickly closed the curtain to my change room.

Head bags... why don't we use those back home? It makes a lot of sense. I don't want to buy clothes that are covered in some random girl's makeup. I have to admit, I felt pretty silly about it - I wasn't wearing any makeup or anything in my hair so there wasn't a risk of me dirtying the clothes but whatever... Made some sense. Anyway, I tried on some pretty ridiculous looking clothes and then opted for something relatively safe.

We're at an internet cafe now (they apparently have a promotion on right now for travelling to Canada! It's kind of weird - all these pictures of Vancouver and the rockies...), trying to figure out what to do this afternoon. Ryan is researching climbing gyms. It would be nice to go climbing if possible. Unfortunately directions and maps are all in Japanese at the gyms he's found so far... It's raining and kind of cool in Tokyo today - it's maybe 14 degrees. I think it would be best to stay inside if at all possible. I have a weird cold - I don't even know if it's a cold - no runny nose or coughing... just kind of a sore throat.

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