Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Fish Market!

Someone requested that Ryan bring back some UFO Ramen... It wasn't going to happen - our bags were too full... instead we just took a picture:

After spending a mostly sleepless night in the internet cafe in Tokyo, we finally made it to the fish market! We walked over early in the morning after stopping for coffee at a Starbucks in Roppongi. It just so happened that as we waited, one of the afterhours clubs was emptying out onto the street - it was quite the scene (I didn't take pictures though I almost ran back to try... there were cops everywhere and people talking back at them...)

We passed the Tokyo tower

people were on their way into work (so many suits!)

Then we got to the fish market which was buzzing with all kinds of vehicles and foot traffic

At first, I was disappointed, thinking everything interesting was done and over with and all the fish had been either boxed up or shipped... and then we found this:

A massive fish being prepared

There are vending machines everywhere. You can buy any kind of drink from them (I was tempted to try the coffee in a can but that just seemed wrong...)

Apparently you can buy floral arrangements too:

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