Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pictures from the Japan Alps

I can't sleep... it's really noisy - someone's snoring, there's jazz playing on the PA system, people keep walking by... it's really not the best place to get some sleep... so here are some pictures of the last few days.

So our trip brought us from Tokyo to the small town of Takayama which is in the foothills of the mountains. We found a little place right near the train station. I didn't want to burn the place down so I didn't try to turn on the heater. Instead I just cocooned. It was quite comfortable - Ryan found this funny (I WAS COLD!)

The next morning we went to the morning market before checking out of our hotel. This is where I acquired my new hat. Later on we went walking through the small streets of Takayama and found some pretty cool little shops. This one let you taste their miso so I of course had to try it...

Our hotel in the mountains (in Kamikochi) was pretty crazy. This was our room. When we first walked in Ryan and I both searched the place for our beds and then figured that our livingroom would turn into our bedroom at night. (Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of the room).

The view from our room (again, this picture's not fantastic... I haven't been taking all that many pictures over the last week and the ones I've been taking aren't all that great apparently)

Our crazy meal of Kaiseki. This wasn't the whole thing, as we ate more dishes were brought out until I finally counted 12 different bowls containing different foods in front of me.

I remember waking up at 5am and thinking "ungh... I'm still full!"

Well, breakfast was only a measly 10 dishes...

The morning clouds started clearing out as we began our hike

This is when we decided that we should turn around. This hike was divided into 10 or 11 sections. Section 9 to 8 was about 80% covered in snow. It was warm out which made the snow nice and squishy and wet - perfect for my mesh running shoes! We turned around at this point in the hike because it was only becoming worse.

Ryan made a friend

To mix things up a little we went to Matsumoto instead of returning to Takayama. I think Ryan secretly just wanted to see another castle

It was a pretty nice castle - much more castle-looking than the one we saw in Kyoto

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