Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I'm home now.

We got home last night to find that our apartment was left spotless by my sister. She also left us enough food that we could make a nice breakfast this morning (I don't think this was intentional but thanks anyway Colette!) now the only problem is that we can't find anything... Where's our TV remote? Our car keys? Are there any potatoes?

(Taken somewhere over China)

It was strange flying into the city. Everything here is so green, flat, big, spaced out... I feel myself going through a little bit of culture shock. I need some noodles or some rice or something! I remember feeling this way when I got home from Europe (except without the rice or noodles). I think we're pretty spoiled here. The air is fairly clean (definitely not like the throat-scratching Hong Kong smog) and there is so much space (yards, wide roads and sidewalks, big houses). At the same time, it feels like this is so excessive - do we need to waste so much space on roads? On our houses? I would never give up my green space though. The buildings here are interesting - they aren't all grey like the ones you see in every city in Japan (it seems like almost every city looks the same in Japan during the day - lots of shades of grey) and they don't all look run-down like the ones you see in Hong Kong.

It's strange being home.

Oh by the way - the builders - We flew over your town at some point yesterday! I woke up about 30 minutes after we'd passed over Milk River. Ryan and I are convinced that before you leave for Mexico this year we should show you how to use blogger so that you can keep a blog for us. Also, you could use it as a way for us to track progress on the house!

Anyway, I'm not really looking forward to answering people's questions about the trip just yet... I know people will ask me what my favorite part was... How can you pick one thing over another? I find that really hard to do... I guess I'll just pick something random and run with it... What'll it be? Maybe Seoul Mama? Or Railay? If I had to pick a place in Thailand that I loved it would definitely be Railay - I would definitely go back there - I don't know that I would say the same about the rest of Thailand. And Japan? So many crazy moments there - I would love to go back... maybe when I know a few more words of Japanese? And Hong Kong... oh, I love Hong Kong... and Cambodia was so interesting too... I want to go back to Cambodia at some point... see? I can't pick anything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allo Monique and Ryan,

Glad to hear you are back in Canada.
We got back from Hudson, Wisc. on Tuesday. It was nice to spend some quality time with Colette, Cort and the two boys.

By the way, we heard your plane go over Milk River when you flew by. It sure was a noisy affair.

Will call you on the week-end.